There are multiple definitions:

  1. low-tension glaucoma(English)

    • a condition consisting of typical glaucomatous disc and field changes, an open angle and pressures within the statisticaly normal range. The controversy surrounding low tension glaucoma pertains not only to the definition and characteristics of the entity itself, but to the fundamental questions it raises regarding the causal relationship between intraocular pressure and disc and field changes ; aka NTG; LTG is obsolete
    • NTG, IOP, LPG
    • Ophthalmology
  2. lamotrigine; [3,5-diamino-6-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,4-triazine](English)

    • a novel anticonvulsant chemically unrelated to current antiepileptic drugs and with a pharmacological profile similar to that of phenytoin. Its effect has been compared with that of phenytoin, on the release of endogenous amino acids and radiolabelled acetylcholine evoked by veratrine or potassium, evoking a marked release of GABA, with a more moderate release of aspartate
    • GABA
    • Epilepsy or syncope
  3. laparoscopic total gastrectomy(English)